

您当前所在的位置:一览 > 一览·自动化 > 南京马波斯自动化设备有限.. > CNC数控加工中心操作工






招聘对象: 社会人才




年龄要求: 不限

外语要求: 不限


工作地点: 江苏-南京市

1 保质保量完成精密加工任务
2 跟据图纸编制新产品的加工工艺及程序,合理选择刀具
3. 跟据保养计划做好设备日常点检和记录。确保机器平稳运行。
4. 完成主管安排的其他工作。

- 具备机电一体化相关专业知识
- 能独立处理机器运行过程中突发故障并快速排除
- 懂数控机床加工者优先
- 吃苦耐劳,责任心强,工作积极主动.

A)Brief introduction to Marposs and Marposs philosophy

Marposs has become the world leader in measurement technology by offering our customers a combination of advanced products, market knowledge, and commitment to long term global partnership. Building on these foundations, Marposs has created an international organization able to deliver application, design, and service support virtually anywhere in the world.

Marposs began in 1952, in Bologna, Italy, when Mario Possati launched a line of innovative electronic measuring systems for grinders based on his patented concepts. As the 60's began, Marposs translated its success in Italy into an international presence in the highly competitive automotive and machine tool makers.

This represented many strategic decisions based on Marposs' dedication to total involvement with our customer's manufacturing process requirements. From the beginning, Marposs maintained a tight focus on the company's core competencies, and resisted the then popular trend toward diversification.

Marposs' subsequent growth has been characterized by a strong commitment to research and development and close cooperation with customers in the automotive, machine tool, appliance, compressor, bearing, electric motors, aerospace, computer, and other industries. The experience gained in these long-term relationships, have made Marposs an irreplaceable quality assurance partner for customers all over the world.

Today, Marposs is the global leader in measurement technology with products, application development, and after sale support delivering efficient, real time support for customer process control, measurement, and data management requirements.

B)Marposs in China and in the world

Marposs is present with exclusive commercial Distributors in all the major countries, in Europe, in America, and in the Asia Pacific Area.

In China Marposs has been operating for three decades trough a fully structured Sales and After Sales Service organization, with offices in Nanjing, in Beijing, in Shanghai, and in other important mainland cities, and under the coordination of the China head office in Hong Kong.

During more recent years Marposs have further expanded his China presence and local potential by establishing engineering and production facilities, in Shanghai, in Wuxi, and now in Nanjing.

To strengthen and increase the engineering and production organization Marposs is currently looking for high talented young individuals and professionals, who want to express the better of themselves within a top-class organization that have very high reputation in China and in the world.

Working Locations and open position for Engineering and Manufacturing:

See more about Marposs and Marposs products on www.marposs.com




工作地区: 南京市 学历要求:本科及以上性别要求:不限

工作经验:5-20 年薪资待遇:15-25万 年薪招聘人数: 若干

公司性质:民营企业公司规模:100 - 499人所属行业:设计院/研究所


3、积极主动地完成公司的各项生产施工任务,对工程施工进度、质量、成本及安全施工情况,实施全面的管理。  [详情]
