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公司地图: 上海宝山区罗店镇石太路2128号  上海西门子制造工程中心有限公司



西门子制造工程中心有限公司(SMEC)是西门子(中国)有限公司工业系统及技术服务集团与上海宝钢集团于 1995 年 2 月联合成立的合资企业,西门子拥有 51% 的股份,宝钢集团拥有 49% 的股份。
通过最近几年的发展,SMEC 已成为高资质、可靠的供应商和合作伙伴,为整个电气行业提供量身定制的解决方案。
公司员工大都接受过高等教育且具备专业知识。已引进多年的质量管理体系 DIN ISO 9001(通过德国莱茵技术监督协会[TUEV]认证)确保优化生产工艺并制造出符合西门子全球一流标准的优质产品。

我公司所有产品系列都通过中国质量认证中心 CCC 中国强制认证。
SIMODRAW®、SINERGON® 和 SIVACON® 开关设备全部适用于低压配电、电机控制中心、电力控制中心和照明系统。此外,SIMOCON® 开关设备还可用于交流/直流传动装置和可编程逻辑控制器系统。我们还可提供直流开关设备 SITRAS® (为地铁而专门设计的)以及集装箱式控制站,配备全套移动式配电站模块替代安装供电设备的常规设计建筑物。
SMEC 在北京、上海、广州、济南和成都设有分部,以便与客户保持密切联系。


Siemens Manufacturing and Engineering Centre Ltd. (SMEC) was established as a Joint Venture of Siemens Ltd. China Industrial Solutions & Services and Baosteel Group, Shanghai in February 1995, in which Siemens owns 51 % and Baosteel Group 49 % of the shares.
Within the last few years SMEC developed into a qualifi ed, reliable supplier and partner for customized solutions across the electrical industries.
For our customers it is important to guarantee the trouble free operations of industrial plants and power stations. This is why we
provide the best quality and products designed to our customers individual needs.
The company comprises employees with high education and professional knowledge. The quality management system DIN
ISO 9001, that we introduced many years ago (certified by TUEV Rheinland) guarantees optimized processes and high quality
products which meet Siemens world class standard.

Our core business is the design and manufacture of customized switchgear systems characterized by a blend of high quality and good price-performance ratios.
Our service includes basic engineering, manufacturing, testing and commissioning of low voltage switch-boards, PLC boards and industrial AC / DC drives, which are developed by our own Engineering Department respectively to the needs of our customers.
All our corporate product lines are CCC certifi ed by the China Quality Certifi cation Centre.
The switchgear SIMODRAW®, SINERGON® and SIVACON® are all suitable for Low Voltage Distribution, Motor Control Centre, Power Control Centre and lighting systems. Additionally SIMOCON® can be used for AC / DC drives and PLC Systems. We also supply DCswitchgear SITRAS® (especially designed for subways) and Container Control Stations, fully equipped portable distribution station modules replacing conventionally designed buildings with power supply equipment.
SMEC is present in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Jinan and Chengdu to stay in close contact to our customers.

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